Easy ways of controlling Ulcer

Obinwannem News Easy ways of controlling Ulcer

In a nutshell, I shall be discussing the meaning of Ulcer; its effects, and how it could be prevented.

Ulcers are sores in the lining of the stomach or the small intestines. Ulcers come in varying forms, and could be painful depending on the type one is suffering. Ulcers could cause severe internal bleeding, which can lead to other complications, and death, if not promptly treated.

Most common types of ulcers are

1. Gastric ulcer develops in the stomach lining or small intestine. They are caused by imbalance of digestive fluids which often result in an infection of H. Pylori, or due to extensive use of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs). Peptic ulcer can occur at any age. Symptoms experienced mostly are burning stomarch ache, an acidic stomach makes the pain worse, as does an empty stomach.

2. Duodenal ulcer forms in the upper small intestine. Most common symptoms of duodenal ulcer is pain in the mid to upper stomach region, especially if this pain intensifies when the stomach empties food into the small intestine. Duodenal ulcers mostly affects people within the age range of 30 and 50, and are common in men than women. Research says prevalent in people with ‘O’ type blood.

3. Esophageal Ulcer – It develops on the lining of the esophagus. It is associated with lifestyle and diet. It causes pains when one swallows, or have trouble when swallowing. It can cause pain behind your breastbone (heart burn), feeling of food sticking in your throat or not going down right, upset stomach (nausea) and vomitting. It tends to occur later in life, after 60 years of age.

Symptoms of ulcer include unexpected weight loss, appetite changes, and pains in the back blood in your stool or dark stools

More so, the patient would experience discomfort between meals, or during the night; in the case of duodenal ulcer.

Most ulcerative cases are caused by a bacteria, Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). Acids from foods make the pains and discomfort worse. Furthermore, long term use of aspirin or anti-inflammatory medicines such as Ibuprofen can also cause ulcer.

In addition, stress and spicy foods can make an ulcer worse.

Invariably, ulcer could be controlled or even prevented, once you apply the right antidote, to the ailments. The following steps can help control ulcer complications.

Limit the use of aspirin. Avoid acidic foods (beans, orange juice, e.t.c.). Avoid caffeinated drinks. Shun alcohol intake, and smoking.

More importantly, take much fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fibre, Vitamins A; such as apples, peas, carrots, beans, pears, sweet potatoes, and eggs. Protect yourself from infections by washing your hands regularly. Ensure you eat foods that are thoroughly cooked.

As soon as one notices any of the symptoms in a severe form,they should promptly visit their doctor, for appropriate medication.

Ijeoma Njoku reporting, Obinwannem News | May 4, 2021

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