Institutions are necessary for Igbo nation technical research – Maazi_Dibia

Igbo country needs centres for technological research.

Institutions are necessary for Igbo nation technical research - Maazi_Dibia Institutions are necessary for Igbo nation technical research - Maazi_Dibia

As a result of our collective assault on the covert objective of the colonial religions that were forced upon us, it is evident to those who are perceptive that nations are rising against nations. In this context, my use of “nations” is not literal.

Following that, we may observe that, to the amusement of those of us who have already attained enlightenment, the elites and those who continue to spread these same lies are now destroying one another.

Therefore, our role going forward won’t be limited to campaigning or lengthy lectures; instead, we should foster an environment that will allow young people sick of the drama they see every day to participate in worthwhile activities that will advance economic progress.

We should have focused more on action this year since we discussed it too much last year.
Igbo country needs centres for technological research.

A sowing maestro.
A software development centre.
Basic mining and fabrication workshops.
And critical thinking camps.

Posterity will spit on our graves if we keep slaughtering goats, rams and cows for the gods without first obtaining inherent knowledge from them. Every great idea seems ridiculous at first, but the rewards will always outweigh the costs.

We are winning already, in my opinion. May we not become into the very people we are fighting against, while we watch with our kegs of PalmWine as King James’s country and its allies degenerate into a laughingstock.

May tenacity overcome opposition.
This is not the message for all people.

Oji Nkuzi eme-Ọjị
Onye Nkuzi Ndị Nkuzi
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Written by Maazi Dibia
Date: Feburary 07, 2024
Published by Ugwu Okechukwu (Obinwannem)

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