An Essential Letter from Mazi Okechukwu Ugwu to the Directors of Obinwannem

Dear Obinwannem Directors,

I am writing to you from Hamburg, Germany, with a heart filled with gratitude and determination for our shared mission. I am writing to you from Hamburg, Germany, with a heart filled with gratitude and determination for our shared mission.

Dear Obinwannem Directors,

I am writing to you from Hamburg, Germany, with a heart filled with gratitude and determination for our shared mission.

This morning, I am compelled to remind us of the essence of Omenani and Omenenu in our lives as Igbo people. Omenani embodies our traditional way of life rooted in farming, fishing, and livestock rearing, while Omenenu represents modern practices influenced by the Western world.

Our brother Kamsochukwu Amobichukwu Unachukwu, known for his exemplary work in poultry farming, serves as a beacon of Omenani, demonstrating the importance of returning to our ancestral roots. Through the teachings and support of Obinwannem Foundation, he showcases the path to a fulfilled life as our ancestors once lived.

We must understand and embrace these principles as we move forward. I urge each of you to reflect on your purpose within Obinwannem Foundation and how you can contribute to our collective growth.

Additionally, I call upon our esteemed members to consider partnering with Obinwannem Foundation through their respective companies. Whether it be through logistics, fashion, industry, or any other field, your collaboration will further our mission of promoting Igbo culture and tradition while fostering economic empowerment.

For those without registered companies, I encourage you to explore this avenue or utilize Obinwannem’s trademarks for legitimate businesses. Together, we can create a network of enterprises guided by our shared values.

As we prepare for the upcoming general meeting on Wednesday, February 21, (Orie mmiri) I emphasize the importance of submitting your contract proposals by the end of February. This will enable us to formalize partnerships and ensure the smooth functioning of our operations.

I implore each of you to engage actively in this process and demonstrate your understanding of our discussions. Your participation is crucial for our collective success.

In conclusion, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to Obinwannem Foundation. Together, we will build a company where we learn, thrive, and preserve our cultural heritage for generations to come.

May Chukwu Okike Abiama bless us all abundantly!

Warm regards,

Nwachineke Mazi Okechukwu Ugwu
General Director, Obinwannem Foundation Worldwide

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