Understanding Abomination in Igbo Land: Insights from H.R.H Igwe Chukwuemeka Okoro

HRH Igwe AMB Chukwuemeka Patrick Okolo. Chukwunweze 1 of Mkpunano Ancient Kingdom.Eze Igwe 1 of Nsukka

Understanding Abomination in Igbo Land: Insights from H.R.H Igwe Dr. Amb. Patrick Chukwuemeka Okoro Understanding Abomination in Igbo Land: Insights from H.R.H Igwe Dr. Amb. Patrick Chukwuemeka Okoro

In the rich tapestry of Igbo culture, the concept of abomination, known as Nso Ala, holds a significant place, guiding the moral fabric of the community. Igwe Dr. Amb. Patrick Chukwuemeka Okoro, a respected figure in Igbo land, has taken the initiative to shed light on the abominable acts that are considered detrimental to the well-being of individuals and their lineages.

1. Theft:
Igwe Okoro emphasizes that theft transcends the individual, leaving an indelible mark on the entire lineage. He warns that a thief’s legacy can hinder the success of future generations and tarnish their reputation, even beyond the grave. His counsel is straightforward – to embrace honesty and truth, as there is inherent gain in living a life of integrity.

2. Murder:
The Igbo leader condemns murder, highlighting its lasting impact on a perpetrator’s lineage. Drawing inspiration from the biblical principle of loving one’s neighbour, Igwe Okoro stresses that those who truly love themselves and others would refrain from committing such a heinous act. He underscores the interconnectedness of actions and consequences within a community.

3. Extra Marital Affairs:
Extramarital affairs, particularly for women, are deemed taboo in Igbo culture. Igwe Okoro notes the destabilizing effect such affairs can have on marriages, often leading to broken homes. The consequences extend to men as well, with the added risk of disease transmission. His advice centers on patience, urging prospective couples to approach marriage with a commitment to weather challenges together.

The consequences of committing abomination are profound and enduring, encompassing lineage denting and a perpetual stain on the family name. Shame and negative impressions become an inseparable part of the legacy left behind. Depending on the gravity of the offence, punitive measures such as exile or other severe punishments may be imposed by the community.

Cleansing and Redemption:
Igwe Okoro elucidates the process of cleansing for individuals who have committed abominable acts. This involves a public acknowledgement of the wrongdoing at the village square, where the offender admits to the committed act. The community then instructs the individual to desist from such actions, emphasizing the importance of a genuine transformation. The path to redemption involves a commitment to a new way of life.

In conclusion, Igwe Dr. Amb. Patrick Chukwuemeka Okoro’s insights on abomination in Igbo land serve as a poignant reminder of the intricate connection between individual actions and communal consequences. Through his teachings, he advocates for a return to values that foster integrity, patience, and a collective responsibility to uphold the sanctity of the Igbo cultural heritage.


Writen by : Obinwannem Nsukka Media office.
Edited by: Nwokwu Chukwuemeka (Obinwannem Editor)
Published by Ugwu Okechukwu (CEO Obinwannem)

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