Let’s talk about Biafra Nation, What do you about Biafra?
What do you know about Biafra nation? What I know about Biafra is that Biafra was a country of his own back a late “1960” there was a war.
When Nigeria wanted to force Biafra to be part of them, so in the war many women and children were stab and killed was men have to fighter the war and millions of people lost their lives during that war.
So eventually Nigeria was formed, so over the years people are still getting killed in the Biafra Land which known as the eastern region of Nigeria now, they will torture them, kill them, and taking away all their resources.
Even the basic needs of health care, Education all of the basic things that humans should have been denied from them. So many Biafrans are living overseas because of what the Nigeria government is doing them and many of their families are at home in Biafra land continue suffering in the hands of Nigeria security forces.
As of the current situation now I know many families have lost their lives from the hands of Nigeria security forces this is not right. So the leader of indigenous people of Biafra, you may have had people called (IPOB) Mazi Nnamdi Kanu with his deputy Mazi Uchenna Okafor Mefor and all coordinators of IPOB families around the worldwide are doing everything to put the world leaders and people of the world what is going on with Biafra and Nigeria.
IPOB is crying out to the world that they don’t want to be part of Nigeria again, they want their freedom like as they were before Nigeria forced them with the help of the British government. And IPOB families worldwide stand for justice and equity also believes in the international community laws for separation from Nigeria by referendum.
So how do you want the international community to help IPOB to achieve Biafra nation without war again from Nigeria, which I see that Nigeria government seems to refuse them to have their freedom?
I believed that there are many people in the world already knows about IPOB mission and what is going on in Nigeria now better, So IPOB should continue using the platform of social media to make more people aware of the situation, not just only for Biafran people they need to let the whole world to know about the Biafra struggling.
So that foreign people like me to join and share what is going on in Biafra land with Nigeria, because without people knowing the situation it will be difficult for people to know and help them, As I already know that they are trying to get referendum to separate from Nigeria, I believe the world will support them because it’s their right.
And I believe if Biafra nation comes, it will be a lovely place in Africa because they are good lovely intelligent hard-working people i have ever seen in my lifetime, which I pray that God shall answer their prayers and give them freedom again. Let the killing and suffering stop in their land.
I want IPOB family worldwide to be strong and never relent or afraid of the threatening from Nigeria and her co because their freedom is very close as the world getting the messages from them, I love them and I will always do my best to support them, God bless Biafra Nation.
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Written By Vladimir Chimaobi Obinwannem News