Igbo cultural heritage rooted in the Holy Bible

Obinwannem News Igbo cultural heritage rooted in the Holy Bible

Igbos are special people loved by God and respected by man, this is why it is said that in whatever country you do not see an Igbo person, it means that there is a problem with such country, and why is that? It is a general belief that Igbos are one of the most illustrious and industrious people in Nigeria and the world at large.

An Igbo man feels at home anywhere he finds himself and is always ready to contribute his quota to the development and progress of that place.

l call them ‘Universal Philanthropists’ because always give their best wherever they find themselves. No wonder most of their cultural heritage is rooted in the Bible.

A compilation of Igbo Culture in the Bible.

In Igbo culture, it is forbidden to eat the blood of Animals: Leviticus 17: 10-14, Deuteronomy 14: 7-10

In Igbo culture, there is no permanent sale of land: Leviticus 25: 23-28

In Igbo culture, kidnapping is an abomination: Deuteronomy: 24:7

In Igbo culture, it is forbidden to move the land boundary between one person and another: Deuteronomy 19:4, Deuteronomy 27:17

In Igbo culture, the Horn of Rams were used as musical instruments: Joshua 6: 4-5

In Igbo culture, we avoided inter-tribal marriages: Joshua 23:11-13, Deuteronomy 7: 2-4, Numbers 36: 6-9

In Igbo culture, when one encounters a serious problem, he escapes to his Mother’s home know as “IKWU NNE” in the Igbo language: 2nd Samuel: 3:3, 2nd Samuel 13:37

In Igbo culture, when we harvest our crops, we leave some for the Poor: Leviticus 19: 9-10, Leviticus 23:22, Deuteronomy 24: 19-20

Apprenticeship “Igba-Odibo” is part of our culture; A master takes in a boy to learn and serve in his trade, in the end, the boy is empowered to set up his own: Deuteronomy 15: 12-15

In our culture, our men avoided their menstruating wives or a woman with an issue of blood after childbirth: Leviticus 12:2, Leviticus 15: 19-24, Leviticus 20:18

In Igbo culture, SUICIDE is an abomination: Deuteronomy 21:23

In our culture, we take care of our poor and needy relatives. There were no Beggars in Igbo-land: Deuteronomy 15: 7-8

Our ‘Iri-Ji’ is the FEAST OF HARVEST: Exodus 23: 16

Our Elders in Slaughtering a fowl followed the prescription of the Bible: Leviticus 1:14-16. When they slaughtered a fowl, they always removed some feathers and throw them on the blood.

Tradition ‘OMENANA’ is in Deuteronomy 6:1

‘Ofor’ the symbol of tradition is reflected in the Bible in Numbers 17: 1-3.
Every family in Igbo land had an Ofor and the custodian was the eldest man in the family or the first male child of the family.

In Igbo culture, the bride price is negotiated by the relations of the bride and groom: Genesis 24: 53, Genesis 34: 12.

In Igbo culture, a goat is slaughtered whenever a parcel of land changes hands as a covenant. Genesis 21: 27 Igbu ewu-ala

A marriage ceremony is done in the bride’s family compound Genesis 24:59

When a man dies his brother may marry his widow (Levirate marriage). Genesis 38:8

Widows wear a particular garment when mourning ‘akwa mkpe’. Genesis 38:14

In Igbo culture certain food items are Forbidden. Leviticus chapter 11. Deut. 14:7-10 SECURITY IN THE LAND. Leviticus 26: 3-6, 14-17. Leviticus 18: 24-29, Lev 20:22-26, Lev. 25:18-19
To mention but a few.

Going through the list above, you immediately see that we are now far from what we used to be and the reason for our insecurity becomes apparent.

The God who gave us these guidelines have not changed. He is not old yesterday and new today as we are sometimes made to believe.

He is constant and has never changed and He will do more for us if only we will depart from our evil ways and look up to Him for every of our needs.

Let me introduce you to the IGBO God, the BIAFRAN God, our God is known as CHUKWUOKIKEABIAMA He alone will lead us to the land of the rising sun. Isee, Isee, Isee.

Lolo Ugo Queensley Kalu reporting, Obinwannem News

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