Biafra: Join New year Live special broadcast by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu

Obinwannem News Biafra: Join New year Live special broadcast by Mazi Nnamdi Kanu

Biafra: Join Mazi Nnamdi Kanu Live Broadcast on Friday, 1st January 2021

A Very Special Announcement:

By the grace of the highest GOD Chukwu Okike Abiama puru ime ihe nile, TAMUNO, ABASI (OBASI) MBOM MMI, ORITSE (OLISA), OGHENE the Lord of Hosts,

I shall broadcast LIVE on Radio Biafra and affiliate platforms (Facebook official page & YouTube) on Friday, 1st January 2021. Time 7:00pm Biafran Time (6:00pm GMT)

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu: Somebody should remind this Janjaweed agent of British neo-colonialist rule in the Nigeria of what Prophet Joshua Ingila said a few years ago. The time for a negotiated settlement to the problems bedevilling Nigeria has come and gone.

You Arewa Sharia north had ample opportunities in the past to renegotiate your British created contraption but you repeatedly said NO because you had civilian killing terrorists in uniform called Nigerian Army behind you.

Now that original indigenous populations led by IPOB have said enough is enough, you are coming up with this nonsensical restructuring. I say this to you and your handlers, TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE!
That same guns you northern criminal elements have always relied upon to intimidate other tribes into submission, we all now have.

When Prophet Ingila said “dialogue now” you morons from the Sahel should have listened. Right now its referendum for independence or burst.
Chineke kpo unu nile oku!

Mazi Nnamdi Kanu: “The evil that men do lives after them”~ Mark Anthony in William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar Arewa Janjaweed Northern Nigeria do not understand the mess they are in.

I cursed them many years ago that God will visit every horrible deed they inflicted on Biafrans on their own children and they thought it was a joke.
Today they have IDP camps in the north the same way we had REFUGEE camps in Biafraland.

As they massacred Biafran men, women, children so are their children being killed today by those they imported from the Sahel to conquer the south. The same reign of terror they inflicted on Biafrans for nearly 4 years is the same rampant life-consuming insecurity they are now doomed to endure across the core north.

Nothing and I repeat nothing will save the great Nigeria from imminent collapse. What Fulani Janjaweed has brought upon Nigeria and Nigerians is worse than the worst tsunami. They are about to witness the shock of their lives. In their infinite stupidity, Fulani Janjaweed will be the ones to provoke this Armageddon.

Vladimir Chimaobi reporting, Obinwannem News

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