Clove is seen as just a normal spice we add to our meals to give an aroma but this spice has lots of health benefits to our body. In this article, we are going to see some of the health benefits of cloves and why it should be in your daily diet.
I. It can get rid of bacteria in the body
If we eat clove regularly, it kills the bacteria that cause harm to our body because clove has some antimicrobial properties which help to fight these bacteria.
2. It helps to improve the performance of the liver
Another health benefit of eating clove regularly is that it helps to improve the performance of the liver because it contains some compound called eugenol which helps to maintain liver health.
3. It helps to normalize blood sugar
If you are suffering from high blood sugar, then it is advisable to eat clove regularly to normalize your blood sugar level.
3. It helps to fight against cancer
Another important health benefit of eating clove is that it helps to fight against cancer because it has some compound that helps to achieve this goal. So, it is recommended that you eat cloves regularly.
Nwachineke Onyeke Chekwube reporting,Obinwannem news writer/November 10, 2021